Friday, September 18, 2020

Future of Internal Combustion (IC) engine in India

The government of India is aiming that by 2030 the nation will run on 100 percent electric vehicle (EV). Next thing that comes in our mind that " Is it possible to replace all conventional engines by the electric vehicle?"  It will be hard to achieve this. Let's discuss some points related to the Internal Combustion (IC) engine and some points related to Electrical vehicles.

 Points related to IC engine

  • It is quite a mature technology. Therefore it will difficult to replace this technology with another technology.
  • IC engine provides excellent torque, power, and a good response to your accelerator.
  • It is very much useful for heavy-duty works.
  • It is beneficial in long-distance traveling. 
  • There are lots of work and research that has been done from the last few decades in the IC engine (Alternative fuels, Supercharging, Cylinder deactivation, etc.), and still, much research is going on the IC engine to improve performance and emission characteristics.
  • India has an infrastructure and set up for using this technology.
  • People know about most of the costs (maintenance cost, running cost) associated with the IC engine.  

 Points related to Electric Vehicle (EV)
  • In India, most of the electric power plants are based on fossil fuel (about 60 to 70%). These power plants emit lots of harmful emissions to the environment.
  • More Load comes upon the electrical company (Production and consumption)
  • It is a quite new technology. There may be lots of work and research is required.  
  • Difficult to use the EV for long-distance traveling.
  • India has not infrastructure and charging station for EV.
  • India is still struggling with electricity distribution in some areas.
  • Human does not accept the changes frequently.
  • COVID-19 may also affect the research and work progress on EV in India 

There may be some progress in Electric vehicles in the future. And there may be growth in the production of electrical vehicles in the future in India. 
However, researchers and scientists are searching for renewable fuel sources and doing many other modifications for IC engines. India is also setting high emission standards (BS6) for vehicles to reduce harmful emissions. Most of the senior-level people of companies are also predicting excellent growth in the IC engine technology in the future.   
Students those who want to pursue their career in engine technology or mechanical engineering have a lot of scope in this sector. Because it will difficult or impossible to replace IC engine technology with some other type of technology. 

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